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That indescribable feeling of selling out on QVC!

Sold out again! 5000 Gooseberry Patch Slow Cooker Cookbooks brought in for a Wednesday night edition of "In the Kitchen with David" and we sold out with a wait list of 2,700!

Edited Image 2014-8-20-23:36:36

That makes two airings for me and two sell outs in a row of two Carlsbad Oblaten Cookie varieties on QVC and one for Gooseberry Patch.

Three times a charm.

Obviously, as a guest host, SELL OUT is the goal for every single time you are on the air. To sell it all out means the item has a super chance of a re-order (unless the returns are high), a very good chance of adding another item to the line. For me, quite simply, it means my job is safe for now! It is a joy you cannot begin to imagine until you are there - when that SOLD OUT sign appears on the screen and sometimes DURING your sell. Which is the ultimate in too cool! It is a rush. And even better is knowing that all of the eyes that were upon you, most especially your client's, are happy, too.

These cookies are amazing. Addictive. My biggest vice right now. But with 60 calories in 7 and low in carbs, calories and cholesterol ... I could think of bigger things to obsess about.


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